>Tuesdays Suck It

>I think I’ve blogged about it before, but I really hate Tuesdays. They never turn out well for me. During the regular school year, I was all rested and ready for Monday, and Tuesday just seemed to draaaaag on.

I woke up so late this morning it was like a rerun of my college days. No time to shower, so my (very) curly hair goes in a bun. I grabbed the first two vaguely matching items out of my closet and threw them on, and was out the door in 15 minutes. Whew!

I really hate waking up that way.

Also, big fight with hubby. About money of course. Long story short, my check was substantially smaller than I expected, so we are trying to coast till his payday (Friday). Well, hubby got a ticket for his license being out of date, and today was the last day to appear. Of course, my husband waits until today to go check it out, and pays the stupid $20 fee. Then, knowing we have exactly $43 in the bank, he goes and puts 40 dollars in gas. Seriously?! He carpools in!! Why was that so important? Grrrrrrrrrr

We just made a big plan this weekend about how to get our finances back on track. I’m about ready to get separate checking accounts and just pool money to pay bills. I’m very frustrated >_not so better half, I didn’t overeat 🙂

I had a Kashi bar for breakfast and homemade trail mix (Kashi autumn wheat cereal, slivered almonds, raisins) for a snack. Lunch was turkey and cheese sandwich w/veggies, a small bag of ruffles, and a pickle. After swimming I had cantaloupe (soooooo good) and lots of aqua. Dinner was smoked sausage on bread, beans, and fritos. Sheesh, writing that out is like carb city. Oops o_O

Exercise has mostly been swimming. That’s the best part of our apartment complex! That’s about the only outdoor exercise I can handle right now.

Sorry to not be more in-depth; I do have posts swimming around my brain I just can’t seem to get it all down right now. Hopefully less ranting, more quality in the future.

Happy soon-to-be Wednesday y’all 🙂

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6 Responses to >Tuesdays Suck It

  1. >Your blog layout rocks! Where can I learn to do that???I'm so proud of you for turning a stressful day into a great day for your food and exercise. I understand and completely relate to the issues you just described. These are the things that always tripped me in the past. But not anymore! And it sounds like you have the same attitude!You rock my friend!Sean AndersonThe Daily Diary of A Winning Loserwww.losingweighteveryday.blogspot.com

  2. candyce_77 says:

    >You ate very well considering the stressful situation 🙂 Ur hubby & mine are EXACTLY alike. Sean Anderson always leaves the nicest comments 🙂

  3. EbonyRenee says:

    >Well, I started this comment out as 'I'm proud of you…' and realized it'd be redundant after reading the other comments. haha. But you did well eating, and deserve to hear that people are proud of you. Keep your head up, and everything will be ok.(and i just had a financial breakdown yesterday with my sig. other. Everyone needs to be on the same page so money isnt an issue all the time- Good Luck!!)EbonyReneewww.phmommy.blogspot.com

  4. Christina says:

    >I am in LOVE with your new layout. You are amazing!!!I'm there with you dear on the hole hubby thing. Your Tuesday sounds like my Monday. Just a big blah!!We'll get through it somehow!! Keep rocking Val!!

  5. Tasha says:

    >Sorry to hear you where having a bad day!Hopefully today has started out better for you!That is so something my hubby would do! I know how much financial strain sucks. Hang in there.Friday is almost here!!Great job eating well 🙂

  6. jo says:

    >Nothing causes me greater stress than paying bills, balancing the checkbook, etc. I will have everything budgeted, then my hubby will go spend money no something stupid and screw it all up. He forgets to give me receipts, he goes to the grocery store for milk and spends $45, while I scrimp…ugh.

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