>Vacation Woes

>Forgive me readers; it was been 6 days since my last blog.

Friday night hubby and I escaped to Hot Springs, Arkansas for a much needed getaway. Our five year anniversary is coming up and we have only been away once in that whole time :0

Hot springs was GAWGEOUS! Lush and green and beautifully cool. I have lots of pics I will put up one day 😉

The food was taaaasty as well. We ate at cute little diners and cafes. I tried a polish hot dog (YUM!!!) and mole enchiladas (BLEH!!!) Howie and I walked and shopped and got masssages and watched movies and just hung out. It was awesome.

Of course, the scale was up five frigging pounds on Monday 😦 I knew it would be, but it was still a disappointment. I wish so much of my enjoyment didn’t revolve around food.

Now I’m getting back on track, but it’s haaaard after eating all that yumminess to get back on plan. On vacation do you give yourself freebies, or do you stick to the plan? In hindsight, I’m thinking counting points would have been easier. I was just being lazy 😦

Hopefully next Monday will be better. I did get a nicer email from DailyMile this week 😀

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1 Response to >Vacation Woes

  1. bbubblyb says:

    >I do tend to give myself permission to eat off plan when I'm on vacation. I also know it will usually result in a gain when I return home. What I've found though if I drink a ton of water the following week usually the gain will come back off. When I'm on vacation too I usually do a lot more exercise so I know the gain is usually from sodium. Sounds like you had a great time with hubby though and that's what this life is about.

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