>Not So Good Eats

>I just read that a 112 year old man married a 17 year old girl in Somalia and my blog post pretty much fled my brain in horror.



My eating today sucked it. I left late and a coworker forced me to eat kindly bought me a giant cheesy, bacony, eggy biscuit. And I scarfed it. And it was good.

No time to pack a lunch. OK that’s a lie. My adorable husband made me a turkey sandwich but I hate slimy turkey and he put mayo on it which I hate. Esp warm. Bleh. So it was steak fingers and mash from the school caf. Yum.

Payday’s tomorrow so it was kinda slim picking tonight. Dinner was homemade hamburgers (93/7 beef), whole wheat buns, lots of onions and pickles. That was sadly the best meal of the day.

On the plus side I worked out-cardio and strength. It felt really, really good, but my arms are gonna be sore like a mofo tomorrow.

Other than that not much going on…The sweets brigade is beginning. I had to make 2 dozen cupcakes last night for my son’s Halloween party. Tomorrow both kids will be bringing home giant bags of candy and that’s before the gorging on the actual day. Oy vey. Y’all got any stellar plans for dealing with Halloween excessiveness?

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3 Responses to >Not So Good Eats

  1. Jenn says:

    >Tell your kids to pick out 5 pieces each, then throw the rest away…Seriously, I cannot have little bits of chocolate in my house. My plan is to allow myself 5 pieces of candy tomorrow – any kind, but only 5.My kids are little so it's easy for me to get rid of the extra stuff without them knowing. I'll save a couple of pieces for them to enjoy, but the rest is going in the trash.Better in the trash than on my hips!

  2. Val says:

    >I hear ya – I have to show up & WORK at my son's school-Halloween carnival tomorrow evening. I just pray that the weather clears up, we're busy & I have no time to forage![I may wind up eating these words, but since I've gotten into this low carb thang, sweets are not appealing to me – I ate a SINGLE Reese's PBC last night (a real milestone for me), belched for 15 – 20 min, & had no desire to go eat the other one!]

  3. Secretia says:

    >Mayo is no good for us anyway, it's mostly oil!Secretia

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